Making a Difference, One Bar of Soap at a Time
Guest Supply firmly believes that meeting the needs of our customers shouldn’t compromise our commitment to conservation. In fact, minimizing our impact on the environment is a priority in all aspects of our business. Read More
Roloff Stools: Accommodate every guest
If you knew guests were standing on overturned wastebaskets to brush their teeth at the sink or finding the bed so high they had to sleep on the floor, what would you do? Many hotels [...]
Explore Apps to Enhance Customer Service
The future of the hospitality industry is right at guests’ fingertips. It is no secret that technology has changed the landscape of customer service for hotels and resorts. Guests now expect rapid-fire responses without leaving [...]
Develop a Signature Scent to Reinforce Your Brand’s Unique Identity
A whiff of perfume or a breeze on a pleasant summer day can awaken long-forgotten memories and bring them new life. The olfactory senses are our strongest, creating an opportunity to increase brand awareness via [...]