Guest Supply blog 2024-11-19T15:33:57+00:00

Making a Difference, One Bar of Soap at a Time

Guest Supply firmly believes that meeting the needs of our customers shouldn’t compromise our commitment to conservation. In fact, minimizing our impact on the environment is a priority in all aspects of our business. Read More


Avoid Costly Wall Repairs

Each day your hotel’s staff works hard to ensure guests are satisfied throughout their stay. From keeping corridors and common areas sparkling clean to turning over each bed with freshly laundered sheets, housekeeping and maintenance [...]

Implementing a Linen and Towel Reuse Program

During a time when concerns over global warming issues are growing, more people are trying to live more sustainable lifestyles and make positive environmental changes. It is especially important for large brands to show their [...]

By | December 18th, 2019|Categories: News/Trends, Textiles|Tags: , , , , , , |
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