Making a Difference, One Bar of Soap at a Time
Guest Supply firmly believes that meeting the needs of our customers shouldn’t compromise our commitment to conservation. In fact, minimizing our impact on the environment is a priority in all aspects of our business. Read More
It’s What’s On The Outside That Counts
Smart Hoteliers are responding to COVID-19 restrictions by creating inviting outdoor dining and lounging spaces where guest can feel safe. Guest Supply is your full-spectrum solution provider for outdoor weather-resistant televisions, fire-pits, heaters, and stylish [...]
International Housekeeping Week
This year's International Housekeeping Week finds us with more appreciation for our housekeepers than ever. It is only because of their focus on evolving practices, and their dedication to higher standards, that our industry is [...]
Protect Your Most Valuable Asset With PPE Solutions For Your Staff
Your staff has always been your most valuable asset, and this new environment can present risks and distress for their safety. Cleaning and maintenance staff are generally at greater risk of being exposed to germs [...]