Making a Difference, One Bar of Soap at a Time
Guest Supply firmly believes that meeting the needs of our customers shouldn’t compromise our commitment to conservation. In fact, minimizing our impact on the environment is a priority in all aspects of our business. Read More
Introducing the UV Station By NonStop
The hotel industry is facing unprecedented challenges. NonStop has been working to create solutions to help welcome guests back to your hotel. UV Station is a next generation nightstand amenity that leverages the power of [...]
Breathe Easier this Spring with Easy to Use, Air Cleaning Systems
With the increased attention to sanitation and its impact on the health of guests and team members, cleaning should go beyond just surfaces. On average, people spend 90% of their time indoors inhaling up [...]
Refresh Your Sleep Experience with the New Copperbed by Contourest
For a limited time, take advantage of 90 days deferred first full payment and refresh your sleep experience with Contourest® Copperbed mattresses by Guest Supply. Contourest® Copperbed uses naturally antimicrobial and antibacterial advanced technology applied [...]