Guest Supply blog 2024-11-19T15:33:57+00:00

Making a Difference, One Bar of Soap at a Time

Guest Supply firmly believes that meeting the needs of our customers shouldn’t compromise our commitment to conservation. In fact, minimizing our impact on the environment is a priority in all aspects of our business. Read More


Our Sincerest Gratitude to All The Hard-Working Housekeepers

  A big thank you to the housekeepers, maintenance professionals, and laundry attendants who are an integral part of running a hotel. Their commitment to keeping facilities clean and safe continues to enhance the guest [...]

By | September 12th, 2022|Categories: News/Trends|Tags: , |

Trends in Hotel Design That are Easy to Implement

Hotel design and the guest experience go hand in hand. Keeping up with trends in technology, design, traveler preference, and sustainability helps drive uniqueness and relevance to your hotel. Showcasing nature, local art, or community [...]

By | August 17th, 2022|Categories: News/Trends|Tags: , , , , |
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