Each day your hotel’s staff works hard to ensure guests are satisfied throughout their stay. From keeping corridors and common areas sparkling clean to turning over each bed with freshly laundered sheets, housekeeping and maintenance members work tirelessly to keep the hotel looking its best.
With more amenities now being included in each guestroom, it is essential for housekeeping staff to use storage carts to transport linens, cleaning supplies and other products as efficiently as possible. It is common for these carts to bump into the walls, doors or elevators, leaving dents and chipped paint. Each year hotels waste resources and spend money to constantly repair these damages, but by investing in Poly and Vinyl Bumper Trucks from R&B Wire Products, Inc., you can avoid unsightly damage and costly repairs altogether, allowing your maintenance staff to focus on more important duties.
Features and Benefits:
- The patent-pending air cushion bumpers are the secret to effortlessly maneuvering throughout your property and keeping walls and doors free from damage.
- The top rim soft air cushion vinyl bumper provides 360-degree protection for walls, doors and equipment.
- Made with non-marking materials, scuff marks on your property’s floors are a thing of the past.
- A rust-resistant frame and base are made from high-quality materials that are made to last.
- Sturdy casters are lint, dirt and hair resistant, keeping anything going in the bumper truck clean.
- A manufacturer’s satisfaction guarantee that you will be pleased with the product.
Save your brand money and your staff time with R&B Wire Products, Inc. Poly and Vinyl Bumper trucks. To learn more or to place an order, contact your territory manager today.